Cries, tears and what they mean

Shanna Banister • Mar 05, 2024

Cries, tears and what they mean

Cry Baby?

Tears? As parents, they can rip us apart. No one WANTS to hear their infants or children cry. We want to keep them happy, calm, protected and give them a sense of comfort every time those tears come.

But did you know, not all cries are created equal?

Cries, while they always have a meaning, can mean so many different things. So let’s break it down.

First, crying is the ONLY way for our little ones to let us know how they feel, it’s how they communicate with us on a daily basis.

It’s how they tell us:

I’m hungry.

I’m dirty.

I’m tired.

I’m hurt.

I don’t feel well.

I don’t agree with what you’re doing.

Crying can also be a form of expressing energy. Say what?! Yes! If your babe has not gotten out all that energy and then we lie them down with expectations of falling asleep, our hopes can be dashed.

However, don’t take this as they aren’t tired. Sometimes this crying can last for 5-10 minutes and then they are ready for some sleep.

Ever hear your baby cry in the middle of the night randomly, only to check the monitor and they are fast asleep?

Babies are noisy. When they readjust or are in a state of light sleep, they can cry out, get comfortable and fall right back into a deep sleep. Light sleep can be noisy and restless, but its just them getting cozy. It’s the same as us moving around pillows or rolling over to get more comfortable, we just don’t cry about it (or maybe you do), haha!

Are they standing up?!

Babies LOVE to practice new skills in the middle of the night. Rolling, crawling, sitting up, pulling up, walking and even climbing (eek!).


Babbling, practicing words, singing, pointing and even using sign language in the middle of the night is also common!

See what I mean? Tears and crying can mean sooooo many different things, so the next time you hear some tears, slow down, pause and see just what they could actually mean; it might suprise you.

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